University of Virginia Library


There will be an informal
gathering for all University Women
interested in forming a chapter of
the women's national service
sorority on November 10 at 6:30
p.m. in the Visitors' Lounge of
Newcomb Hall. The meeting is
being sponsored by the APO service
fraternity at the University in an
attempt to facilitate the creation of
a service community for University
women that could render service to
the community in conjunction with
APO as well as independently.

First year students are reminded
that there will be required
Association meetings in the
auditorium of the Chemistry
building on November 10,11 and
15 according to the following
schedule. All first-year students are
expected to attend. Alderman
Road, Monday at 8 p.m.;
Bonnycastle-Hancock, Monday at 9
p.m.; Echols-Humphreys, tomorrow
at 8 p.m.; Kent-Dabney, Thursday
at 8 p.m.; Lefevre-Metcalf, Monday
at 7 p.m.; Observatory Hill,
tomorrow at 9 p.m.; Page-Emmet,
Thursday at 7 p.m. The Association
for Special Scholars will not have a

"Mayan Physician: Dr. Thomas
Gann's Explorations in the Jungles
of British Honduras" will be the
subject of a talk to be given by
Francis H. McGovern, Clinical
Associate Professor of
Otolaryngology, on Wednesday,
November 10 at 8:15 p.m. The talk
will be held at the home of Dr. G.
Slaughter Fitz-Hugh, 2003
Spotswood Road. Sherry and port
will be served following the talk.
Faculty, students and friends of the
University are cordially invited.

The Department of Astronomy,
in conjunction with the National
Radio Astronomy Observatory, will
present a lecture by Dr. Mark A.
Gordon on "Radio Recombination
Lines in the Interstellar Medium."
The lecture will be given at 4 p.m.
on Thursday, November 11 in the
NRAO Auditorium on Edgemont

"Determination of Structural
Formula and Confirmation by
X-Ray Analysis" will be the topic
of a speech to be given by Dr.
Jerome Karle of the Naval Research
Laboratory in Washington D.C. Part
of the Chemistry Department's
series of colloquia, the lecture will
be held in room 304 of the
Chemistry Building at 4 p.m. on
Friday, November 12.

The glee club of Chatham
College will join the University's
Glee Club in the club's annual Fall
concert. The concert will be
performed in Old Cabell Hall
Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. on Friday,
November 12. Tickets are priced at

"Delicate Balance" by Edward
Albee will be presented by the
Virginia Players from November 15
through 21 at 7:30 p.m. in Minor
Hall. Seats are $2.50 and $2.00.