University of Virginia Library



Carried by a two-thirds vote, a
motion amending special elections
as set forth in Article II of the
Constitution passed the Student
Council Monday night in a special

The by-law specifies that in the
case of a vacant seat on the
Council, a student shall be
appointed by that school's council
whose seat is vacant.

Written and proposed by Allen
Barringer, third-year representative
from the Law School, for Article II,
Section F. subsection 3 of the
By-Laws, reads as follows:
"Vacancies in the unexpired term
of a member of Council shall be
filled by a special election for the
second semester of that term, if the
vacancy occurs in time for the
general election for that semester,
as determined by Council."

"A student of the school," it
continues, "whose seat is vacant
shall be appointed, in an interim
basis by the appropriate school
council, until such special election
is held or until the term expires. At
the discretion of each school,
students accepting appointments
may be declared ineligible to run
for elections to any Council seat
from that school at the next general
or special election."

The vote on this motion was
10-5, the two-thirds vote needed to
pass into a By-Law. Although a
quorum was not present for the
vote, the passing of the motion is
valid since no quorum call was

Steve Edwards, third-year
representative from the College,
suggested December 8 and 9,
Tuesday and Wednesday, as the
dates for the upcoming general
election. He also proposed Tuesday,
November 30, as the deadline for
petitions to run in the election.
These motions were accepted
without a vote.

Nine seats are open for this