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people should have the information
needed to make realistic decisions
about their own lives."

The CRTL committee supports
this proposition fully. All we ask is
that other people don't make
decisions about the lives of unborn
children. It is the desire of
pro-abortionists to play God-to
decide who may live and who may
die. It is the desire of the Right to
Life Committee to give every
human being a guarantee to life-a
guarantee provided for as
inalienable in the Declaration of
Independence [sic]. When dealing
with the right to life one cannot
distinguish between healthy or
sickly, productive or unproductive,
desirable or undesirable, young or
old, one minute in the womb and
one minute out.

Murder is not the only way out
of an "unwanted" pregnancy.
Despite the fact that the decision to
create life is made when a couple
unites in intercourse, our society
can allow for the blindness of some
human emotions, however serious.
If a couple makes this type of
"mistake", the child can be born
and offered for adoption. The
alternatives are there, but the
present trend is still toward the
easy way out-taking a defenseless
life. We're all up in arms about the
brilliant potential being stifled in
America's ghettos because of a lack
of opportunity. Abortionists do not
even want to give unborn children a
chance at a chance.

Andrew J. Humm
College 1