University of Virginia Library

Council Budget

The following is the proposed Student Council Budget for

Curriculum Evaluation Booklets  $2,000 
Mayall Concert  400 
Publications  900 
Conferences(Travel and Board)  700 
Student Council Projects  2,000 
Travel Expenses for Official Business  250 
Bail Bond Fund  500 
Recording Secretary for Student Council Meetings  200 
Magazine and Newspaper Subscriptions  100 
Total 1971 - 1972 Allocation  $7,050 

Any appeals as to the contents of this budget must be filed with D.
Alan Williams, Vice-President for Student Affairs, within one week of
this day, the sixth of October. Any such appeal will be heard by the
Student Activities Committee at their hearing on Thursday, October
14, 1971, subject to the digression of the committee.

General questions may be directed to the Student Council Office.