University of Virginia Library

Hoover Discredits Extremists

Many are not associated with
any national group. The key point
is not so much the identification of
extremists but learning to recognize
and understand the mentality of
extremism which believes in
violence and destruction.

Based on our experience in the
FBI, here are some of the ways in
which extremists will try to lure
you into their activities:

(1) They'll encourage you to
lose respect for your parents and
the older generation.

(2) They'll try to convert you to
the idea that your college is
"irrelevant" and a "tool of the

(3) They'll ask you to abandon
your basic common sense. Campus
extremism thrives on specious
generalization, wild accusations,
and unverified allegations.

(4) They'll try to envelop you in
a mood of negativism, pessimism,
and alienation toward yourself,
your school, your nation. This is
one of the most insidious of New
Left poisons.

(5) They'll encourage you to
disrespect the law and hate the law
enforcement officer.

(6) They'll tell you that any
action is honorable and right if it's
"sincere" or "idealistic" in
motivation. Here is one of the most
seductive of New Left appeals -
that if an arsonist's or anarchist's
heart is in the right place, if he feels
he is doing something for
"humanity" or a "higher cause,"
then his act, even if illegal, is

(7) They'll ask you to believe
that you, as a student and citizen,
are powerless by democratic means
to effect change in our society.

(8) They'll encourage you to
hurl bricks and stones instead of
logical argument at those who
disagree with your views.

Personally, I don't think the
outlook for campus unrest this year
is as bleak as some prophets of
pessimism proclaim. The situation
at some colleges is serious, but
certainly not hopeless.

Along with millions of other
adults, I'm betting on the vast
majority of students who remain
fair-minded, tolerant, inquisitive,
but also firm about certain basic
principles of human dignity, respect
for the rights of others, and a
willingness to learn. I am confident
our faith has not been misplaced.