University of Virginia Library

Registration Begins
For Teacher Exam

Less than two weeks remain for
prospective teachers who plan to
take the National Teacher
Examination to submit their
registration for these tests.

William Childress, Junior
Instructor in Foundations of
Education, announced today that
registrations should be sent to
Educational Testing Service,
Princeton, N.J. He advised that the
registrations for the tests to be
taken at the University on April 3,
1971 must be forwarded so as to
reach the Princeton Office not later
than March 11.

Mr. Childress advised that each
candidate will receive an Admission
Ticket advising him of the exact
location of the center to which he
should report. Candidates for the
Common Examinations should
report at 8:30 a.m. on April 3, and
should finish at approximately
12:30 p.m. The Teaching Area
Examinations will begin at 1:30
p.m. and should finish at
approximately 4:15 p.m., according
to the time schedule for those
examinations which has been set
up by Educational Testing Service.

Bulletins of Information
describing registration procedures
and containing Registration Forms
may be obtained from Mr. Childress
in 206 Peabody Hall, or directly
from the National Teacher
Examinations, Educational Testing
Service, Box 911, Princeton, New
Jersey, 08540.