University of Virginia Library

Low-Rise Housing Considered

(Continued From Page 1)

Tom Rickards, a Council worker
on the Elections Committee
presented a proposal that the
election of the President and the
Vice President of the Council be
hold before that of regular
representatives to Student Council
and Judiciary Committee. The
Council voted to approve this
motion and discussed several
possible plans for consolidating
elections in response to student
complaints that there are too many
elections at the University.

A change in the Council's
By-Laws was also approved to allow
write-in candidates to submit
petitions any time before the polls
close in an election. The old rule
only allowed write-in petitions up
until the opening of the polls.

Mr. Mannix said that a
University ad hoc committee was
being organized to study the
University's calendar and to
recommend specific revisions to Mr.
Shannon. Ralph W. Cherry.
Director of Summer Sessions, has
been chosen chairman of the
committee. In response to a request
from the administration, the
Council selected three students to
serve on this body.

A letter has been sent to Arthur
F. Stocker, Chairman of the
University Senate's Constitution
Study Committee, expressing the
Council's continuing desire to have
students fully represented in the
Senate. The letter approved by the
Council Tuesday night, stated, "We
believe that your committee has a
tremendous opportunity before it:
the opportunity to establish a true
University Senate which shall
become an effective governing body
as well as a forum for
communication between various
groups within the University."

In outlining its ideas for a
University Senate, the Council
stated in the letter that it would
"gladly disband in favor of a true
University Senate with equal ...
representation for students and
realistic powers, for such a Senate
would mean that the University
would be democratically governed
by all those within its own