University of Virginia Library

On TV Here

"Hell after all the trouble we
figured it wouldn't do us any ham
in keeping the fight. The profits
won't be that large, but the monies
earned are going to help sponsor a
tour next September; either Ireland
of Fast Africa will be visited at that

$10 Per Ticket

The closed circuit affair will cost
ten dollars a seat. This is
substantially lower than many
other areas carrying the closed
circuit agreement. A thirty foot
high screen will allow boxing buffs
the chance to see these two great
fighters battle it out twice life-size.
Telephone apparatus will be
installed to provide a linkup with
court side at Madison Square
Garden. Then a special projector
will be booked up so as to provide
the large moving pictures. Prior to
the fight an R.C.A. technician will
be flown in to test out the bookup
and the projection equipment.

Ticket Sales

Tickets may be ordered by
writing Box 74. Newcomb Hall
Station. Charlottesville, Checks
should be made payable to "Fight
Tickets"- Virginia Rugby Club.
Starting next Monday tickets also
will be sold over the counter at
Mincers', the Downtown Athletic
Shop, and at the ticket offices of
University Hall.

How can you lose: All is 31-0,
while Frazier is 26-0. It might just
be the "dream fight" of this decade
and for many more to come.