University of Virginia Library


The faculty also took action on
the issues of the University Senate
and curriculum reform.

In the issue of the revitalization
of the Senate, a proposal was
brought forth to give the Senate
more power and to allow student
and administrator representation.

While some students and faculty
hoped that the Senate would be
restructured to become the major
decision making body on the
Grounds, the College Faculty
postponed any action on the issue
by voting to refer the Senate
revitalization to the General
University Faculty.

The Faculty also acted on
curriculum changes. Credit for
pluses and minuses was dropped
and starting with the Class of 1975,
professional physical education
courses will no longer carry degree

The University was denied the
privilege of hearing the
controversial Black Panther leader.
Huey Newton when D. Alan
Williams, Vice President for
Student Affairs, refused to allow
the Black Panthers to provide their
own security and to frisk people in
University Hall.

Perhaps topping off the semester
was the news in November that
President Edgar F. Shannon had
been placed on the list of nominees
for the President of Harvard
University. Hopes soon faded for
the President, when his name was
taken off the list, along with over
40 other nominees, two weeks

The University has seemingly
weathered another semester. But
the events of the past few months
will have an inevitable effect on the
future course of the institution.
Whether it be black alienation,
student strikes, or political reaction
to student activism, the University
will have to learn from the
experiences of the last few months
if it is to remain a viable
educational institution. Whichever
way it turns, it seems that the past
semester has been a signal that the
University may be entering into a
new stage of development and