University of Virginia Library

Big—Brother Program

Vol. Service Starts Operation

Madison Hall's Office of
Volunteer Community Service
moves into full swing this week
with a series of orientation and
training meetings designed to
acquaint student volunteers with
the programs in which they will

Students helping with the
mental health work or one of the
areas of companionship programs
or in the Big Brother-Big Sister
Program will meet with
professionals in these fields at the
evening orientation sessions to be
held in the South Meeting Room of
Newcomb Hall tomorrow,
Wednesday or Thursday nights of
this week.

Madison Hall staff members will
also be on hand to discuss
organizational aspects of these

Last year more than 450
students participated actively in
one of four areas of volunteer
community service. Through the
work of the staff this summer the
programs have been revised and
significantly expanded for this
coming year.

In addition to returning
volunteers from last year there are
more than 1500 students who
signed up at Registration to
participate in one of the areas of
volunteer community service.

Tonight at 7:30 at Madison Hall,
there will be an information
meeting for all persons who
participated in the volunteer
programs last year and are
interested in working again this

Tomorrow night at 7:30 in the
South meeting room of Newcomb
Hall, there will be a general
orientation session for all persons
who have signed up for one of the
companionship programs.

Included within the
companionship areas are DeJarnette
and Western State Hospital; work
with Children's Rehabilitation
Center and Bloomfield: LD
Recording for the Blind. Following
the general orientation session. Dr.
Alvis W. Bloomfield School
Psychologist at Western State
Mental Hospital will help to dispel
some commonly held
misconceptions about mental
health work and will give some
practical advice in the area of
mental health companionship

On Wednesday night, also
beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the South
Meeting Room, will be the
orientation session for the Big
Brother-Big Sister Programs.

Any student who is interested in
participating in one of the areas of
volunteer community service and
who has not as yet returned their
questionnaire is encouraged to call
the Madison Hall Offices at