University of Virginia Library

Admissions Initiates Tours

Black students who are juniors
in Virginia and District of Columbia
high schools are being brought to
the University this spring in a new
program designed to familiarize
them with the educational
opportunities of the University.

The tours of the University are
drawing initially students from the
Tidewater area of Virginia and from


Student-Recruiter John C. Thomas Guides Group Of High School Students.

Tour Is Part Of Admissions Office Program Aiming To Increase Black Enrollment.

The tour program was developed
by the University's Office of
Admissions as part of its program
to provide information to
prospective students. Spearheading
the program have been Mrs.
Elizabeth Johnson, assistant dean
of admissions and three black
student assistants, George W.
Taylor, a fourth-year student from
Hampton, John C. Thomas, a
second-year student from Norfolk,
and Delacy Stith, a first-year law
student from Emporia.

Under the tour program
students from the high schools
come in groups to the University
where they hear about the various
aspects of University life from a
team of black students. During the
four-hour program, the University
students describe the academic
programs, traditions, facilities,
student life and financial aid
programs available to students.
They also are given a tour of the
Grounds by the University

The admissions office of the
University has recently carried out
conferences for high school
counselors in which educational
opportunities at the University
were described.