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'We Give Factual Information, Not Opinion'


"We give factual information,
not opinion," said William Talman,
fourth-year medical student.
"Students seem to appreciate that
we don't preach."

In response to this growing
curiosity about drugs, a "Drug Hot
Line" was set up in the School of
Medicine with medical and legal
information about drugs available
24 hours a day from the medical
students on call.

Two national service
organizations, Alpha Phi Omega
and Circle K. are providing student
volunteers for a number of projects.
Members of APO are converting a
week-ridden field at the Fairmont
Community Center into a
playground, clearing the area and
scouting around for playground

Circle K has been working with
a family with 10 children living in a
dilapidated frame house outside of
Charlottesville, insulating the floors
and putting polyethylene around
the walls to keep out drafts.
Members also help out in the
University Hospital emergency
room on weekends, acting as
orderlies and comforting patients'

Madison Hall, the official
co-ordinating office for community
service at the University, has more
than 150 students participating in
various national projects around
Charlottesville and more than 40
offering individual help and
attention to children lacking a
parent or alienated from their

Circle K members spend every
other Saturday afternoon with
children from a Charlottesville
housing project, going to the
movies, taking little trips or just
playing together.

Patients at Western State
Hospital in Staunton and on the
psychiatric wards of University
Hospital find companionship in the
Madison Hall volunteers who visit
the wards, sometimes bringing a
guitar for a sing-along or pictures
for a slide show.

"At the University, student
activism doesn't unnecessarily mean
shrill voices raised in nihilistic
protest," University President Edgar
F. Shannon Jr. told a Founder's
Day audience recently, praising
University students for
"establishing a tradition of
community service."