University of Virginia Library

Voice Of The Crowd

What Do You Say
To A Crazy Lady?

Dear Sir:

Your April 1 story concerning
my phone call to the Arkansas
Gazette was highly misleading. I did
not say I wanted to "crucify
Fulbright." I would prefer, in fact,
to see him burned at the stake,
which, I believe, is the traditional
means of disposing of traitors,
heretics and subversives.

Until more Amerikans knuckle
under and face up to reality, this
republic is in great danger. At any
moment we are liable to be sucked
under the waves of yellow hordes
which encircle us. We must cleanse
our once proud shores of the
stinking vermin within and the
foreign menace abroad!

Middle Amerikans, stand up and
be counted! Lady Liberty cries for

Martha Mitchell
Washington, D.C.

Mother's Lament

Dear Tom:

Your father and I have been
reading the newspaper since your
election and quite frankly we're
worried. You shouldn't be so rude
to people because you'll only get in
trouble. I know you have told me
that Bill Fryer is a nice boy, but
after reading some of the things he
has written I have my doubts,
although I admit he is an improvement
over Bob Cullen.

Please study hard and phone us
at least once a week.

Your Loving Mother

Hamburger Hall?

Dear Sir:

In reference to your story
(4-1-70) concerning the recent sale
of University Hall to a certain New
Jersey hamburger outfit: I must
vociferously object to this miscarriage
of the ideals of our beloved
Mr. Jefferson.

Not only does University provide
the arena necessary for so many
important functions in the academical
village, the edifice is simply
unsuited to be a burger eatery of
the type described.

Poor planning such as this has
already done great damage to our
lovely Grounds. With a little more
foresight this disastrous situation
might have been averted. Besides, if
we must part with U-Hall, wouldn't
a locally owned used car dealership
have made better sense for the
Copeley Hill area?

Ralph Spoilsport
Commerce, '38

Nixes Sexism

Dear Sir:

I have been a student at the
University for two years now and
have never sent in a letter to the
Daily Cavalier. But now I've had it.
I have decided to end my membership
in the silent majority at the
University and express my opinion
on a subject that has been bothering
my conscience for a long time.

So far the DC has only been
pressing one point of view-that of
the vocal minority. Well, it's just so
unfair. Here we are, supposedly
being trained in a good, wholesome
Christian University for a good,
wholesome Christian life. And what
does the University allow? Members
of the opposite sex to stay in the
dormitories during weekends.

This licentious activity must be
forbidden. The immorality and the
depravity of the conditions now
existing are leading to what could
be a quite pregnant situation. I and
others in this state of mind request,
no, demand, Miff Rain to end this
activity and to return the good,
clean life to the University.

C. Phylis
College 1½

Ejaculate Opinion

Dear Sir:

In my three years at this
university I have not read such a
sick letter in the Daily Cavalier as
that in today's issue from Mr. C.
Phylis. Clearly, this person must be
suffering from a serious disease and
requires immediate attention by a
qualified physician.

The reason I write this letter is
in the hope that others will isolate
themselves from a sick person like
this whose ideas become highly

I do not think that Mr. C. Phylis
realizes the danger implicitly expressed
in his letter. What would
happen if we prohibited girls from
the dorms?

Even if there were not outright
riots, the depression caused to the
affected students might cause their
tent homosexual tendencies to

I ask Mr. C Phylis if he would
rather be a homo?

Joe Buck, M.D.
Student Health