University of Virginia Library

Text Of Proposed University Senate Constitution

Working Paper and Draft Constitution of the University of Virginia Senate
Committee on Student-Faculty Senate

I. Preamble

Whereas the increasing size and diversity of activities at the University
makes it desirable that a body exist which draws upon the resources and
wisdom of the University, expresses the opinions of the University
community, improves communications, and brings new ideas to bear on
problems of a University wide nature:

Be it therefore resolved that a University Senate be established on the
principle of governance by administration, faculty, staff, and students
together, it being the right and responsibility of each group to find ways to
further the pursuit of a liberal education.

Recognition of this right and responsibility is necessary if an air of
cooperation is to pervade in the interaction of these groups and if the
University is to maintain itself as an institution which recognizes the need
of a free exchange of ideas within the academic community as well as its
commitment to society at large.

While serving as focal point of University wide government, it shall
recognize the individual autonomy of decision making bodies which deal
with problems specific to each school of the University.

II. Membership. The University Senate shall be a unicameral body whose
membership shall be composed of representatives from the following
categories: (assume 101 members)

1. 17 administrators and 10 staff

President, Provost, and all present ex officio members of the Faculty
Senate = 17

Staff members to be elected from the following categories:

administrative staff

library staff

buildings and grounds staff

medical staff

food services

2. 37 faculty members (see election procedures below)

3. 37 students (see election procedures in Article 3)

III. Elections, Eligibility, Recall and Term of Office

1. The faculty can be elected or appointed by department, by school,

with tenure, without tenure as provided in the by laws.

2. Election of student members

The memberships for students shall be apportioned by the University
Senate biennially among the schools of the University; provided, however,
that at least two student members shall be elected from each school,
including the School of General Studies. In addition to those 22 members,
the President of the Student Body, and 14 representatives apportioned
among the schools as provided in the By-Laws.

3. Administrative members shall be selected as designated in the

4. Non-Academic Employees, Research Staff, Librarians

One, two or three members shall be elected from and by each employee
category established in Article 1. Employee representatives shall be able to
attend all committee meetings and Senate meetings without loss of
compensation from the University.

5. Elections and Term of Office

Initial elections shall be held not later than May 1, every subsequent
election shall be held by April 15. The regular term of office of each
member shall begin on the first day of June next succeeding his election or
appointment and shall be for one year. Any vacancy occurring during the
term of office of a member shall be filled for the remainder of the
unexpired term in the same manner in which the original member was

6. Recall

Every elected member shall be subject to recall. Upon petition signed
by one-fourth of the members of the category from which the member was
elected, a recall election shall be held. A majority of votes cast for recall
shall cause the recall of the member and his membership shall therefore
become vacant.

IV. Duties and Powers of the University Senate

The Senate shall be a policy-making body which may consider all
matters of University-wide concern, all matters affecting more than one
faculty or school. Without limitation and by enumeration the Senate shall:

1. Develop and review plans and policies to strengthen the educational
system of the University

2) Work on the long-range master plan for the physical development of
the University; recommend ways in which it can be improved; and keep the
same under continuing review.

3) Work for the advancement of academic freedom and the protection
of faculty interests.

4) Work for the promotion of student welfare and the enhancement of
student life.

5) Initiate and review policies to govern the University's outside
relations with agencies for research, instruction and related purposes.

6) Foster policies for cooperative and mutually beneficial relations with
the neighboring community.

7) Review by broad categories the annual budget of the University after
its adoption and advise the Board of Visitors as to its general conformity
with the goals of the University.

8) Consider the recommend policies relating to the awarding of
University prizes and honors, and assist the Visitors in the selection of
recipients of such prizes and honors.

9) Consider and recommend policies relating to admissions and special
recruiting efforts.

10) The conferring of all degrees given by the University. The
modification of degree requirements, especially for baccalaureate degrees.

11) To receive communications and recommendations from the Honor

12) Consider any question that may arise as to the conduct or efficiency
of any officer of administration or instruction, and to report to the proper
body or authority.

13) Recommend administrative appointments to the President and/or
Board of Visitors.

V. Limitations of Powers

Unless Board of Visitors concurrence is required, acts of the University
Sc shall become final on passage. In all matters affecting a change in
budgetary appropriations; involving the acquisition or disposition of real
property; affecting contractual obligations of the University; or as required
by law, such concurrence shall be required. In all other matters, the action
of the University Senate will be final unless the President shall advise the
Senate not later than its next regularly scheduled meeting that Visitor
concurrence is necessary. Acts of the University Senate shall be concurred
in or not concurred in by the Board of Visitors by the second stated
meeting of the Visitors following the submission of the University Senate's
action to the Visitors, except when the Visitors shall advise the University
Senate of their need for a longer specified period of time to consider such
actions. Whenever the Visitors do not concur in any act of the University
Senate, they shall return the measure to the Senate with an explanation of
the reason for their action.

VI. By-Laws and Committees

The University Senate shall have the power to organize itself and to
make all such By-Laws and regulations for its own proceedings as shall not
contravene the Charter of the University or these Statutes. Such By-Laws
shall be amended only by a three-fifths vote of all members of the
University Senate. Any such By-Laws and regulations may provide for such
committees as may be necessary or desirable. Such committees shall
include an Executive Committee.

VII. Meetings

The University Senate shall meet regularly as provided in its By-Laws.
Special meetings shall be held on the call of the President or by petition of
10% of the members and in accordance with its By-Laws. The President of
the University shall be the presiding officer of the University Senate. In the
absence of the President, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the
University Senate shall preside.

VIII. Staff

The University shall furnish, to the extent provided for in the
University's budget, assistance to the University Senate as a whole and to
its committees in connection with its official business, as may be
authorized by the Executive Committee of the University Senate.

IX. Initiative and Referendum

500 signatures on a petition
requires Senate consideration of
any proposals contained in the
petition. If 20% of the full-time
students or 20% of the full-time
faculty request a referendum on
any action proposed or adopted by
the Senate such referendum shall be
held. When a referendum is held a
majority of the faculty voting and a
majority of the students voting
must approve the question for its

X. Adoption of the Constitution
and Amendments

The Constitution shall be effective
upon a majority vote of the
entire full-time student body, a
majority vote of the entire full-time
faculty, and approval of the Board
of Visitors. Amendments shall be
adopted upon approval of 2/3 of
the students voting in a general
election and a majority vote in a
faculty referendum.