University of Virginia Library

Specialists Speak On Cancer

Cancer of the head and neck will
be the focus of the fifth annual
Student Cancer Conference Friday,
March 6, at the University School
of Medicine.

Beginning at 9 a.m. in the
medical school auditorium, second,
third and fourth-year medical students
will hear three specialists
discuss diagnosis and treatment of
these cancers in a program made
possible by a grant from the
Virginia division of the American
Cancer Society.

Visiting specialists will be Malcolm
. McGavan, associate professor
of pathology at Washington
University School of Medicine in
St. Louis, who will speak on
"Clinicopathologic Correlations in
Selected Neoplasms of the Upper
Respiratory Tract"; Simon Kramer,
chairman of the department of
radiation therapy and nuclear medicine
at Jefferson Medical College in
Philadelphia, who will speak on
"Radiation Therapy for Early and
Advanced Head and Neck Cancer,"
and John Conley, clinical professor
of oolaryngology and chief of the
head and neck service at Columbia Presbyterian
Medical Center in New
York City, who will speak on
"Fundamental Advances in the
Surgical Treatment of Cancer of the
Head and Neck."