University of Virginia Library

Student Council Allocations

Requested  Allocated 
School and Departmental Organizations and Publications 
Society of Architectural Historians  $ 618.48  $ 294.00 
Legal Aid Society  358.38  269.00 
Modulus  1,600.00  392.00 
Virginia Law Review  2,550.00  1,960.00 
History Club  416.84 
Graduate German Club  591.00  441.00 
Computer Science Center Users Group  195.00  15.00 
Virginia Journal of International Law  2,100.00  1,985.00 
Political Philosophical and Speaker 
Student Legal Forum  $ 1,105.00  $ 980.00 
Students for a Democratic Society  251.20  49.00 
International Club  760.00  786.00 
Charlottesville Draft Counseling  160.00  123.00 
Business Forum  516.96  343.00 
Black Students For Freedom  1,239.00  786.00 
M.L. King Chapt. Va. Council of Human Relations  250.00  245.00 
Extra-Legal Forum  92.49  98.00 
University Volunteer Services  6,000.00  172.00 
Games Clubs and Athletics 
U.Va. Ski Team  $ 110.00  $ 53.00 
U.Va. Rifle and Pistol Club  570.21  221.00 
Va. Bowling Club  490.00  199.00 
Va. Rugby Football Club  3,592.83  2,432.00 
Va. Rowing Assoc.  3,500.00  2,477.00 
Outing Club  303.00  136.00 
Polo Club  3,452.81  1,769.00 
U.Va. Sailing Assoc.  3,744.42  1,539.00 
Gymnastic Club  945.25  710.00 
U.Va. Fencing Club  120.85  66.00 
University Wide Publications 
Rapier  $ 2,700.00  $ 600.00 
Virginia Weekly  3,100.00  2,690.00 
UVM  1,010.90  500.00 
WTJU-FM  4,162.00  2,548.00 
Film Drama Music 
Virginia Debaters  2,606.18  2,554.00 
University Glee Club  2,307.28  1,298.00 
Student Government 
Engineering Council  2,972.15  441.00 
Mulholland Society  525.19  490.00 
Commerce Council  25.00  24.00 
Student Council  2,200.00  2,156.00 

The Organizations & Publications
Committee of the Student
Council realizes that, since hearings
were held last spring, many groups
are in need of their allocations as
soon as possible.

Tentative allocations have been
made to all groups and they have
been informed; but only after
appeals have been made and the
Registrar has released the exact
amount of Student Activities monies
available can final allocations be
sent out. A list of the tentative
allocations is printed above.

Any organization or publication
which wishes to appeal their allocation
must submit a written statement
to that effect within one
week of this date to both the Dean
of Student Affairs (the chairman of
the SAC) and Paul Hurdle, vice-president
of the Student Council
and chairman of the Council's
Organizations and Publications
Committee. Appeals will then be
heard within two weeks (beginning
at the October 9th meeting of the
SAC). Any independent student
who wishes to appeal an organization's
or publication's allocation
may do so by contacting and
working through a Student Council
member, who need not necessarily
be in sympathy with that student's
opinion. It is imperative that
appeals be submitted within the