University of Virginia Library

University Approves Funds
For Special State Projects

Federal and State funds for 26
community service projects in Virginia,
with total budgeted expenditures
of $296,130, have been
approved by the University as the
State agency administering Title 1
of the Higher Education Act of

The funds will be used by 18
colleges and universities in Virginia
in the fiscal year 1969-70 to
sponsor programs ranging from
seminars on social disorganization
in the central city to the training of
teacher aides in child care programs.

Under Title 1 program assistance
is given to participating State and
private institutions of higher education
for the development of
courses, conferences, seminars,
workshops and other continuing
education projects so that these
institutions may expand their resources
to help solve community
problems. Special emphasis is
placed on urban and suburban
problems and development of
leadership skills.

Federal funds for the 1969
budget total $196,597, while State
appropriations are $70,587. Local
contributions, mostly by private
colleges and universities, account
for $28,946.

Under Virginia law, state funds
to match Federal appropriations are
available only to State institutions.

This year two State and two
private institutions are sponsoring
programs with Title 1 funds for the
first time. In addition, several
private institutions not administering
Title 1 grants are actively
co-operating with other institutions
in Title 1 programs for the first

Title 1 program is administered
for the University by its
School of General Studies, under
the supervision of the State Council
of Higher Education.

The state institutions and their
programs include:

College of William and Mary -
Seminars and workshops on the
business executive's role in urban
development and community relations.

Christopher Newport College -
Human relations training program
for local government employees.

Danville Community college -
Training program for personnel in
child assistance, rehabilitation and

Madison College - Personnel
training for child day care centers
in the Shenandoah region; continuing
education workshops in dietetics.

Old Dominion College - Seminars
on social disorganization in the
central city.

University of Virginia - Training
in group counseling techniques;
psychiatric nursing workshop for
professional nurses; continuing education
for health professionals.

George Mason College - Citizenship
leadership program for Northern

Virginia Commonwealth University,
academic center
- Continuing
education and consultation services
for social welfare agency personnel;
seminars on nursing service administration.

Virginia Commonwealth University,
Medical College of Virginia
Expansion of continuing medical
education to Virginia communities.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute -
Personnel training program for air
pollution control; workshop in
flood plain management; community
development short course

Virginia State College -
Courses, seminars, conferences,
consultants and materials on human

Wytheville Community College
- Conference on the needs and
programs for underprivileged