University of Virginia Library

Two Social Scientists Chosen
To Aid Foreign Universities

Two University social scientists
will spend next year on the
faculties of two foreign universities
under a new program designed to
improve educational processes

William F. Beazer, associate
professor of economics, has been
tapped to head the economics
department of University College
Nairobi, University of East Africa
in Kenya. Michael L. Mezey,
assistant professor of government
and foreign affairs, has been
selected to join the faculty of
Thammasat University in Bangkok.

The program, made possible by
a grant from the Rockefeller
Foundation, is designed to help
improve the teaching of social
sciences in Africa, Asia and Latin

Mr. Beazer will leave for Nairobi
this summer. His two major aims
are to improve the undergraduate
program in economics and develop
a masters degree program at the
African college.

Mr. Mezey will concentrate on
teaching while in Bangkok next
year. His primary responsibility will
be teaching a course in research
methods in political science, in an
effort to train instructors for
Thailand's colleges and universities.