University of Virginia Library

Festival Showcases
Student Film-Makers

With the cooperation of the
Lincoln Center for the Performing
Arts, the United States National
Student Association(NSA) has
announced the Fourth National
Film Festival, the largest national
competition for student
film-makers. The festival,
financed through a grant from the
Motion Picture Association of
America(MPAA), attempts to
"showcase the best new student
films and to encourage and focus
public attention on the work of
young film-makers," according to a
NSA news release. As many as 153
films from 44 colleges and
universities have been entered in
previous contests.

Films made by college students
and completed after January 1,
1968, may be submitted in four
categories; Documentary,
Dramatic, Experimental, and
Animation. Grants of $500 will be
awarded by the MPAA to films
selected as first prize winners in
each of the categories and the NSA
will award the four first prize
winners $3,000 each. The
runner-ups in each of the divisions
will also earn $1,000 each.

In addition, Twentieth Century
Fox will select one of the successful
film-makers for a special Director's
Internship. The student will be
chosen by Noel Price, director of
"Pretty Poison," and will work
with Mr. Price in the production of
his new feature, "Run, Shadow,
Run," the story of a young
film-maker at a university trying to
make a contemporary film.

The winner's work will include
pre-production planning, studio and
location shooting, and the final
post-production stages of the film.