University of Virginia Library

Honor Code Studied

As a second step in this evaluation, the Honor committee solicited the
opinions and reflections of certain individuals in the University community
who are considered experts upon the origin and development of the
system. This was done to obtain an accurate perspective of sentiment in
the past and also to determine methods by which the system has been able
to change.

Due to the results of these investigations, the Committee has perceived
a diversity of opinion regarding some aspects of the Honor System.
Accordingly, the Committee believed that it is essential to offer the
opportunity for all members of the University community to make known
their views on the honor system. Furthermore, presentation of such views
will aid the Committee in consideration of the need for constructive
change in the system now, rather than awaiting a slow deterioration of
student support.

Feeling there is a diversity of opinion regarding the Honor System, the
Honor Committee has decided to conduct a series of public hearings at
which students may present their views upon this subject. To facilitate
adequate planning, the following procedures will be adhered to:

(1) Topics for each hearing will be announced in advance and
presentations will be limited to these topics. The topics will be: (a)
Scope of the System (b) Penalty for Violation (c) Procedures.

(2) A student wishing to present his views at this hearing will apply
to the student government secretary for a time of presentation at least
4 days in advance of the announced hearing date.

(3) The student shall submit at the hearing a written summary of his
presentation prior to making the delivery.

(4) Each presentation should be succinct, to the point and will be
limited to a maximum of 10 minutes.

(5) The Committee delegation will hear only one student at a time.

(6) These hearings will be open to the public, but observers will not
be permitted to participate in the discussion.

(7) The Honor Committee delegation shall consist of all members of
the Committee.

(8) At the end of a student's presentation, the Honor Committee
may ask questions. Such questioning will be limited to 5 minutes.

(9) These procedures will be recorded on tape for future reference.

(10) Strict decorum will be observed at all times during these
hearings; anyone disregarding these guidelines will be duly ushered from
the auditorium.

The hearings will be conducted on the evenings of February 18, 20, and
25 beginning at 8. The location will be announced within the next few

ed. note - there will be another article later this week exploring further
procedural changes instituted by the Honor Committee.