University of Virginia Library

Board Of Visitors Raises Rents
In Dorms, Married Housing

stated the reasons which make the
raising the school's tuition
necessary. He said, "My primary
reasons for recommending an
increase are to offset operating cost
rises which range from five to seven
per cent annually, to help cover
faculty salary adjustments next
year, and to augment income to
offset progressive additions to
faculty, staff and supporting

"The latter are needed to
prepare for expanding enrollment
from 200 to 500 students
commencing in 1972 when the new
building will be ready for

"A secondary reason for this
increase is to coincide with similar
actions at other graduate schools of

Selective School

"What we are trying to do is
build a very selective and quality
school with a low tuition that can
compete with such schools as
Harvard, Dartmouth, and
Columbia," said Glen L. Dunlap,
Assistant Dean of the Graduate
School of Business Administration.

A tuition and fee increase will
also be instituted at Clinch Valley
College, an extension of the
University similar to George Mason

The resignation of Visitor
Langbourn M. Williams, effective
October 7, 1968, was also
announced at the December 14
meeting of the Board of Visitors.

1969 Shcedule

A schedule for the 1969
meetings of the Board of Visitors
was announced as follows: meeting
will be held February 13, 14, and
15, on April 9, 10 and 11 (in
Fredricksburg), on October 1,2,
and 3, on December 11, 12, and 13.

Visitor C. Stuart Wheatley was
appointed by the Rector of the
Board of Visitors as Chairman of
the Education Policy Committee,
which is the committee that deals
with all matters of academic policy
at the University, except that of the
School of Medicine.

The University was also
authorized by the Board to award
the degree of M.A. in Slavic
Languages and Literature.

Effective as of next September
1, special student activities fees
were authorized as follows: $1 per
session in the School of Law and $5
per session in the School of

Tuition charges in the School of
Education will be increased in
individual courses from $14 to $16
per semester-hour for in-state
students and from $29 to $33 for
out-of-state students.