![]() | The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, October 9, 1968 | ![]() |
Students Added To
Evaluation Group
Beginning its curriculum
evaluation with a consideration of
the undergraduate program, the
government and foreign affairs
department is organizing a student
committee to aid the evaluation
committee in its work.
To facilitate the formation of
this student committee a meeting
will be held of all majors in the
department this afternoon at 4 p.m.
in room 444 of Cabell Hall.
Members of the faculty
committee include, Robert Morgan,
chairman of the committee, Leigh
Grosenick, Paul Shoup, Robert
Wood, Stanley Makiclski, Gary
Orfield, and Carolyn Pratt.
Five students will be elected
from those who attend the meeting
this afternoon, to begin their own
evaluation of the curriculum.
Matters of procedure, operation
and size of the committee will be
left to the students' discretion.
The purpose of the student
committee is to bring students into
the formulative process. Mr. Orfield
commented, "What we really want
to have is and individual student
committee to find a way to
interpret student proposals and
bring them to the faculty
committee to foster meaningful
change." Miss Carolyn Pratt added,
"Students ought to participate in
their own education."
The faculty members felt that
the students on the committee
should be elected rather than
appointed, to make the choices
truly representative of the student
body. The exact relationship
between the student and faculty
committees has not been finalized,
since the faculty feels that the
students themselves should
determine this relationship.
Goals of the faculty committee
are to, "remove the student from
his passive position in the
University and offer him active
participation in his own education
and to promote student-faculty
feedback rather than continue the
vacuum that presently exists," Mr.
Orfield said. Students they feel are
the best judges of the quality of the
![]() | The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, October 9, 1968 | ![]() |