University of Virginia Library

Study Grant Funds
Cut By Congress

Competition for United States
Government grants for graduate
study or research, or for study and
professional training in the creative
and performing arts abroad in
1969-70, is nearing its close.

Congressional funding for
Department of State grants in
Fiscal Year 1969 is substantially
below last year's total. Reductions
will be applied most heavily in the
categories of grants for Americans
to go overseas because of the desire
of the government to reduce travel
overseas at this time.

Competition for such grants will
therefore be much keener. The
number of 1969-70 grants for
Americans may, on the average, be
reduced as much as two-thirds from
the preceding year.

The awards are available as part
of the educational and cultural
exchange program of the U.S.
Department of State. The general
purpose of the program,
administered by the Institute of
International Education, is to
increase mutual understanding
between the people of the United
States and those of other countries.

Application forms and detailed
information for students currently
enrolled may be obtained from the
Fulbright Program Advisor, John
Graham, Associate Dean of the
College, in room 452 of Cabell Hall.
The deadline for filing such
applications with Dean Graham is
November 1.

Eligible Students

With competition greatly
increased, only candidates who
fully meet eligibility requirements
and other selection criteria will be
considered. Applicants must be
U.S. citizens at the time of
application, must generally be
proficient in the language of the
host country, and, except where
noted below, must have a
bachelor's degree or its equivalent
by the beginning of the grant.

Students who already hold the
doctoral degree are not eligible to
apply. Preference will be given to
candidates who have had no
previous extended study or
residence abroad, and who are
under 35 years of age.

Selections will be made on the
basis of academic and/or
professional record, the feasibility
of the applicant's proposed study
plan, his personal qualifications,
and evidence that his selection for a
grant would help to advance the
aims of the program.

Creative and performing artists
who wish to study abroad are not
required to have a bachelor's degree
but they must have four years of
professional study or equivalent
experience. Applicants in social
work must have at least two years
of professional experience after the
Master of Social Work degree.
Applicants in the field of medicine
must have an M.D. at the time of

Two types of grants are
available through E under the
fulbright-Hays Act: U.S.
Government Full Grants, and U.S.
Government Travel Grants.

A full award will provide a
grantee with tuition, maintenance
for one academic year in one
country, round-trip transportation,
health and accident insurance and
an incidental allowance.

Countries participating in the
full grant program will be:
Argentina, Australia, Austria.
Belgium-Luxembourg, Brazil,
Ceylon, Chile, Republic of China,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark,
Ecuador, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Iceland, India,
Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea,
Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands,
New Zealand, Norway, Peru, the
Philippines, Portugal, Spain,
Sweden, Thailand, Trinidad,
Turkey, the United Kingdom,
Uruguay and Venezuela.

A maintenance allowance for
one or more accompanying
dependents will be given to grantees
studying in Australia, Ceylon,
Republic of China.