University of Virginia Library

Negro Athletes
Seek Recognition

athletic scholarships.

The Negro athlete has more
than proven himself on the professional
field and on the college
campus. Yet there seems to be a
great lack of reasoning on someone's
part when white-only colleges
are unable to answer Grantland
Rice's question of 22 years,
"Why shouldn't the fittest, the
smartest, the ablest and the gamest
lead the parade?"

One wonders if this country
really has progressed much in the
last two decades when statements
like Rice's still go unheeded,
"There is nothing revolutionary
about this doctrine. It is built
upon the soundest of all foundations-the
race is to the swift
and the battle to the strong, when
the race is truly run. Some day
the people of the United States
will get the same idea. I hope it
isn't too late, for their own good."