University of Virginia Library

Harvey Cites Danger
Of 'Lazy Americans'

Nam, Mr. Harvey said, "I refuse
to believe that any American would
purposefully prolong a war-for
any reason." But he added that he
feels any clearly-defined policy in
Viet Nam would be better than
the "goal of stalemate" which the
present administration is pursuing.

"A faucet dripping American
blood endlessly....anywhere in the
world is purposeless...and un-American,"
he said.

Mr. Harvey asserted that President
Johnson should confess we
"goofed" in Viet Nam and that
the objectives we are pursuing there
are not worth the price.

From 1789 to 1900, he said,
other nations looked to the United
States as a "shining lighthouse"
to model themselves after because
"we were minding our business."