University of Virginia Library

Scientists Talk Today
On Hemoglobin, Rays

Gamma rays and hemoglobin
will be the topics of speeches
given this afternoon by guest
scientists from the Bartol Research
Foundation and the Oak
Ridge National Laboratory.

Franz R. Metzger of the Bartol
Foundation in Swarthmore, Pa.,
will discuss his research on gamma
rays at 4 p.m. in room 204 of
the physics building.

At the same time in 150 Gilmer
Hall, Raymond Popp will
report on his study of the structure
of hemoglobin, the protein
which binds oxygen and carries
it from the lungs to the cells of
the body. His work involves
chemical explanations of anemia
and other blood disorders.

Dr. Popp is from the Oak
Ridge, Tenn., National Laboratory,
biology division.

In addition, Arie D. Bestebreurtje,
a minister at the First
Presbyterian Church in Charlottesville,
will lecture Tuesday on
"Christianity and Warfare."

Mr. Bestebreurtje, who worked
as an international lawyer at the
Hague before World War II,
will speak at 7:30 p.m. in the

He received his Ph.D. degree
from the University of Zurich
and his theology degree from
Union Theological Seminary in
New York.