University of Virginia Library

Campaign Platforms

Graduate, Law, Nursing Candidates State Issues

NSL activities this year, we feel
UVA should maintain an
aggressive membership in the
non-partisan National Student
Lobby. Women's issues must
be more directly approached,
such as lighting, athletic
facilities and general
coeducation adjustment

Next year the out-of-state
ratio must be defended again in
the state legislature. Upperclass
housing must be given more

We will establish a liaison
with the upperclass residential
councils and will work to begin
an upperclass seminar program,
to establish a listing of
off-grounds housing with
ratings similar to the Course
Evaluation Booklet, and to
distribute the model lease and
the "Landlord Tenant Law"


Gerald Lientz

I believe that no money
should be paid any officers of
Student Council unless
approved by a student
referendum, in as much as such
payments were rejected by the
students two years ago.

Like any other hack
politico, I believe Council
should put all possible pressure
on the Departments of Housing
and Food Service to make
student life more livable and
comfortable, and to stop those
areas where the actions of
these departments prove unjust
or inconvenient to the students
of the University.

Henry Miller

Over the past few years the
Graduate School has grown
increasingly apathetic toward
Student Council. This apathy is
unfortunate because graduate
students can contribute
meaningfully to Student
Council and to the student
leadership at the University.

We have had some
outstanding representatives
from the Graduate School in
recent years. However, we have
also had Graduate School seats
on Student Council left vacant
because no one wanted to run
to fill them. I am running for
Student Council because I am
concerned about Student
Council, about the Graduate
School's role on Student
Council, and because I feel that
I can contribute meaningfully
to Student Council.

* * *


Joel Gardner

Next year I'd like to see
Council concentrate its efforts
on fighting a decrease in
out-of-state students. I believe
this is the major problem
facing the University in the
near future. By organizing
students at the University,
alumni, and friends in the state
in support of this cause, I
believe we can have a
significant effect on this issue.

Another important job for
Council to do will be to oppose
efforts to destroy the student
activities fee. The fee is a
significant factor in keeping
many important student
organizations alive and viable.

Of special interest to the
law school will be to overlook
the construction of the new
law school and make sure that
the facilities for students
(especially parking and eating)
are not seriously deficient. If
things proceed true to form
there is a possibility that many
of the students' needs will not
be taken care of unless they are
exposed and emphasized.

Robert Morris

As a representative
of the Law School on the
Student Council there are
several goals for which I would
strive: to continue or increase
the present level of funding
that Law School activities
receive from Council; to retain
the present percentage of out
of state students both in the
Law School and the rest of the
University; to have the IACP's
report on the Department of
Security fully implemented;
and to maintain close ties
between the Law School and
the rest of the University.

Chuck Gravett

(Chuck Gravett is also
running for Council from the
Law School. Mr. Gravett could
not be reached for comment,

* * *


Beth Burn

I'm running for Council
from the School of Nursing to
continue the involvement of
student nurses in Council
affairs. There are many
decisions and programs worked
out by Council and its
committees which directly
affect the School of Nursing.

I would like to continue to
have the desires of the student
nurses taken to Council such as
improved parking, better
lighting in the hospital area and
in the parking lots.

Patsy Scott

The following are
components of my platform
which I feel I can competently
carry out in the following
academic year:

To let the Nursing students
know that they have a Council
representative and to
encourage input from them
about things they'd like to see
done or changed and
organizations created that
would benefit either Mckim
and the University or both.

To let the University realize
that McKim has a lot to offer
not just socially but more
importantly academically and

* * *

(The majority of the
candidates from the
Engineering, Architecture and
Commerce Schools were
unavailable for comment.
Therefore, to be fair to all
candidates in those schools, no
summaries appear for any of
the candidates. The Candidates
in the Engineering School are
Linda DiPasquale, Sharon
Gamble, Ray Ng and Ralph
Volk. Fenton Priest is running
unopposed for Council from
the Commerce School.–Ed.)