University of Virginia Library

Job Offers Vary


Applications are now
available for 1973 jobs
and job training abroad, the
Placement Office announced.

Students interested in
newspaper journalism as a
career may apply for summer
employment by the Newspaper
Inc. The deadline for
an application is

Washington Post news
positions for juniors, seniors
graduate students are being
offered this summer. Students
interested should write:
Employee Relations
Department of the Post at 1150
15th St., N.W. in Washington,
D.C. 20005. The deadline for
this application is also Dec. 1.

Applications for on the job
training abroad for students in
Engineering, Architecture,
Agriculture, and the Sciences
may also be obtained in the
Placement Office.

The International
Association for the Exchange
of Students for Technical
Experience offers summer
jobs for qualified students in
these fields.

The program will last eight
to twelve weeks. The
application deadline is Dec. 15.

There are also many
openings for students as camp
counselors, volunteers to
work with crippled children,
YMCA, YWCA, as well as in
many Federal agencies.