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'Sensuous' Soils Screen
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'Sensuous' Soils Screen


This reporter had the
opportunity to witness one of
the most shocking
demonstrations of smut,
prurience and blatant sex that
has ever soiled the silver screen.

"The Sensuous
Swordswallower" is a 163
minute marathon of the most
explicitly raw, X material ever

seen this side of the Masters
and Johnson clinic. A large
crowd was in evidence at the
Skinema for this late-evening

Spectators Restrained

The movie had to be
stopped several times as
overanxious spectators had to
be restrained from leaping off
the balcony and crashing
through the life-like screen at
the projected images.

The plot of the movie is not
particularly complex for those
with minimal playground
experience. Others are advised
to bone up on the facts before
coming as some difficulties
may be had. The climax of the
movie is difficult to pinpoint –
God, there were so many!
Your reporter remained in her
seat to the very end, oblivious
to the fainting couples groping
in the aisles.

Dallying Patrons

Coincidentally, at the
"intromission", the air was
heavy with anticipation for the
conclusion. However, the
spectators were caught
unawares by the management
as the movie was replayed
again from start to finish
without anyone noticing the

Truthfully, at this point
few were even watching the
screen. Nauseated, I left the
theater shortly thereafter
determined to go to a GP
picture again.

(Now at the Skinema)