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Rinaca, Sabato Evaluate Committees
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Rinaca, Sabato Evaluate Committees

The following Student Council committees were set up at
the beginning of the year by appointment of Council President
Jim Rinaca or at the request of the Council members

Mr. Rinaca and Council Vice President Larry Sabato
recently evaluated the performance of each group:

Academic and Athletic Affairs Committee–chaired by Tom
Wilson and Greg Luce. Mr. Rinaca commented that the
committee has worked mostly in athletics and probably has
not concentrated enough in the area of academics, Mr. Sabato
said the committee was most active in studying club sports and
that it devoted a "considerable" amount of time to its duties.
He added, however, that although the committee did slightly
more than the "minimum" amount of work required, it "still
might have gotten a lot more done."

Appropriations Committee–Chaired by Larry Sabato. Mr.
Rinaca said the committee did a "superlative" job this year in
responding to student opinion through the Student Activities
poll conducted several months ago. It can safely be said that
Mr. Sabato did anything and everything possible to make the
committee effective and responsive.

Curriculum Evaluation Committee–Chaired by Mark
Vorder Bruegge. The curriculum evaluation published recently
was more thorough and more enlightening to students than
any previous issue, Mr. Rinaca and Mr. Sabato said.

Communications Committee–Chaired by Sam Brown and
Sherri Smith. Mr. Rinaca said the co-chairmen of this
committee have sponsored the first effective dormitory visits
and have done a great deal of publicity work for Council. Mr.
Sabato said the Communications Committee has done a very
good job this year in sponsoring weekly broadcasts on the
student radio stations, coordinating Founder's Day activities,
and distributing "Ounce of Prevention" booklets, drug
pamphlets, and Miranda cards to students.

Elections Committee–Chaired by Paul Freeman, Jim
Wallace and Milton Whitfield. Mr. Rinaca and Mr. Sabato
commented that although the job of this committee is an
"automatic" one (that is, if elections come off, the job is
done) the job requires a great deal of time. The committee
made efforts to "tighten up" loopholes in election procedures,
but only after a number of complaints of violations had been
lodge during recent Honor Committee elections.

Food Servicer Group–Chaired by Taylor Putney. The
group got little or nothing done first semester. Since second
semester, it has managed to gain an extension of the Grill
operating hours but little else of worth has come out of the
committee. Mr. Rinaca said that the committee has managed
to establish a link between Council and Food Services but has
encountered many stumbling blocks in the administrative

Human Relationmmittee–Chaired by Sally Kaufman
and Jim Curry. Mr. Rinaca said the committee has not really
broadened its efforts throughout the year as much as would be
hoped for due to a lack of effort on the part of some members
early in the year. The committee has taken steps to assist
transfer students in orientation in the future, however, by
providing them with housing information and general
information about the University. The committee is now
studying the problem of security on the Grounds.

Off-Grounds Housing Committee–Chaired by Paul
DiPasquale. Mr. Sabato called this group a "slight
disappointment." Although it has managed to set up a
complaint service for students, it has not provided enough
publicity to be truly effective. As Mr. Sabato put it, the
committee "could have done a lot more."

Traffic, Parking and Bicycle Committee–Chaired by Kathy
Craig. Mr. Rinaca and Mr. Sabato agreed that Miss Craig, who
is not a Council member, and committee member Lynn Ivey
have done a "tremendous job on the committee in trying to
have bicycle regulations standardized for the safety of
students." The committee has gained approval for new bike
lanes to be installed around the Grounds. Plans call for lanes to
be installed between the curb and parked cars.