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Polo Team Hosts Penn
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Polo Team
Hosts Penn

The University polo team opens
its Spring season Sunday at the
Farmington Hunt club against the
University of Pennsylvania.

The game promises to be full of
action and flamboyant style with
former Cornell captain Doug Anzac
and former Virginia player Willy
McCormick leading the Quaker

The Cavalier lineup will consist
of David Banks, Reid Graham, and
Ray Norden, the same team which
last month came within a point of
beating powerful Yale for the
national championship.

Team Captain Banks reports
that his men and horses are in top
condition and invites polo buffs and
newcomers to come and see the
team try to duplicate their
undefeated fall season.

Game time is 2:30 p.m. on
Sunday at the Farmington Club on
Garth Road.