University of Virginia Library

'Child Of The Wars'

lifestyle of acceptance into
which he and others became
molded during the 1950's.
"Then new ideas were
introduced which caused us to
re-evaluate our positions and
feelings," the professor said.
"Thus, our ideas change and
we come out making up for the
past we lost."

Considering himself a
"child of the wars," Mr. Israel
has noticed that the students
who were brought up in the
1950's are now re-evaluating
their policies. "The Vietnam
War has politicized and
radicalized many of us," he

An example of Mr. Israel's
"radical"reaction occurred
during the Kent State protests
at the University in May, 1970.
Although some people accuse
him of being one of the leaders,
Mr. Israel claims he did less
than anyone expected.

"My actual participation
came after the disturbance,
when I traveled around the
state as a member of a strike
committee, lending personal,
verbal and moral support to
students at colleges."

"Many of the University
fraternity men of the time
were more radical than I" he
remarked, noticing how much
the University has "quieted
down" in recent years.

"There has been a
tremendous change in the
overall mood of the students in
the past two or three years,"
the professor remarked.

Describing the present
student generation. Mr. Israel
feels it is molded by
exhaustion. He sees student
Council as exemplary of this
mood: "I attended one of their
meetings recently, and it was
very much like the '50's; the
members were extremely
cautious and wary, like lawyers
in training."

As for his function here,
Mr. Israel commented, "I am
here as an educator, to work
with the exchange of
knowledge on a university and
community basis–to stimulate
important issues."