University of Virginia Library

ND Hires DiBiaso

Dick DiBiaso, formerly first year
basketball coach at the University,
has left Virginia to take a position
under new Coach Dick "Digger"
Phelps at Notre Dame.

Mr. DiBiaso, who has had a long
association with Phelps dating back
from his career as a high school
coach, will be a varsity assistant at
South Bend. Last year Coach
DiBiaso's Cavayearlings had a 9-7
record and were 0-6 in the ACC.

Serving under Bill Gibson at
Virginia, Mr. DiBiaso was always
the freshman coach and had been
on the staff since 1966. Mr. DiBiaso
played under Coach Gibson while
at Mansfield State. Teachers College
in Pennsylvania. While at Mansfield,
the Gibson-DiBiaso combination
was 85-15.

Immediately after graduating
from college Mr. DiBiaso went into
high school coaching at Beacon
Hill, New York. In three seasons at
Beacon Hill High School his teams
compiled a 101-15 mark and won
three sectional titles.

Mr. DiBiaso's departure was
unexpected and there has not even
been time to speculate on a
successor. Whoever is picked to
succeed to the position will be
pressed to match both Mr.
DiBiaso's excellent recruiting
record and his rate of drawing
technical fouls, considered highest
in the ACC.