University of Virginia Library

Sailing Team Floats To Fourth,
Wiley Gains Plaudits For Effort

The University of Virginia
sailing team placed fourth among
an armada of eight schools in the
Spring Sailing championships held
the weekend of April 23,24 at
Clemson University.

Consisting of two Divisions, A,
sailed in 420's and B, in Penguins,
the Virginia Sailors finished with a
38¾ combined total (A&B). This
compared favorably with the
winning school, the Citadel, which
had 27¾ points. Points were
tabulated on the basis of ¾point for
first place, 2 for second, etc. The
schools placed as follows: Citadel
(27¾); Clemson (28½), University of
Tennessee (36¼), Virginia (38¾),
Georgia Tech (41); Davidson (46),
South Carolina (49) and Duke (69).

Sailing in B Division, Skipper
Paul Wiley with crew Howard
Winch finished with 4 firsts and 2
thirds to pace their division. In the
unfamiliar 420's, Les Crane and
Barry Candler, alternating as
skippers, were not quite as
successful but nevertheless captured
2 thirds and I fourth out of 6 races.

With 9 points out of a possible
low of 4½ points, Wiley won both
B Division and low point skipper
awards for the regatta.