University of Virginia Library

Malletmen Tie Middleburg

The Virginia polo team played
on the grounds of the University
for the first time in their 17 year
history and tied the Middleburg
club, 4-4, last Sunday.

The match, which was played on
Lambeth field, was closely fought
and Virginia did not show its full
strength until the last chukka when
the squad scored three straight
goals to tie the score before the last

In the first two chukkas, while
the Virginia team was still getting
accustomed to the new field,
Middleburg slipped in four quick
goals with the help of a dead-eyed
Texan Rob Rinchart. Rob was
captain of the Virginia team last
year and spent the winter on
sabbatical in Texas playing polo for
Ray Harrington. Also scoring for
Middleburg was George Breenhalgh,
an alumnus of polo at Virginia, with a
fantastic shot from mid-field.

Coming back in the third
chukka, when powerhouse Reid
Graham rode onto the field, Virginia
turned the tide. Team captain Dave
Banks scored twice in the final
chukka and once in the first; leaving
Reid Graham to put in the tying

The polo club is deeply indebted
to Gene Corrigan for the use of
Lambeth field and to Paul Summers
for the use of his van to ship the
ponies. Without their help the club
could not have put on this first
match here.

The team will meet a tough
squad from Cornell Sunday at
Farmington Hunt club at 2:30.