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Swimmers To Face Hoyas
In Weekend Pool Action

By Jim Wilson
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

This Saturday the Virginia
Varsity swimming team will swim
the Georgetown University Hoyas
in the Memorial gym natatorium.
The only good thing about the
meet that will attract people to it is
the fact that it is on the way to
University Hall. Even the time of
the meet has been changed, to 12
o'clock from the previously
announced one o'clock splashdown,
in order that fans and swimmers
alike can have enough time to get
to the basketball game at 2.

The Virginia team will use the
meet to explore the depths of its
roster to find the much sought after
third events for its team members
in the ACC championships. The
Hoyas will be there to keep the
Cavaliers honest, if they do not
have the talent to beat them.

The Georgetown team lacks
depth, quality, quantity, and even a
home swimming pool. They have to
work out in the American
University pool when A.U. has the
time to let them. For what they
have to work with the team is quite
tough. Unfortunately for the
Hoyas, they did not have much to
work with at the beginning of the
season. Their best swimmer, as it
usually is on a team with poor
facilities, is a freestyle sprinter who
should win two events for the

Outside of sprinter Geissen the
Georgetown team has very few if
any swimmers that can challenge
the Cavaliers especially in the
distance events where their lack of
a home pool will be most evident.
For example, the slowest freestyler
on the Virginia squad can beat the
Hoya's 1,000 free man.

With the return of Co-Captain
John Schrum from a bout with
mono, the Virginia squad will be at
full strength for the meet. It will be
a very long afternoon for the
Georgetown supporters and team.
As Coach Ron Good said, "We're
going to have a hard time not to
shut them out."

If the meet is run as quickly as
usual, there will be plenty of time
for the swimmers and fans to get to
the basketball game. It's going to be
a long meet for the Hoyas, but
hopefully a short one for the
Cavalier swimmers and fans.


Cavalier Players Congregate On Court Prior To Beginning Another University Hall Contest

The Next "Breakout" Will Occur Saturday Afternoon Against N. C. State In A Television Game Here