University of Virginia Library

Fall IM Seasons Near Finish

By Jim Wilson
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Last week the 1970 High Point
volleyball league drew to a close
with two teams, PiKA and Phi Psi,
as yet undefeated. This is the third
year in a row that PiKA has had a
perfect season.

Both AEPi and ATO had
identical 7-1 first place records in
Section A. AEPi was the division
leader for the year after beating
ATO in a play-off game.

The situation was the same in B
Division as Pi Kap and Zete ended
the year with 6-1 records. In the
playoff game Pi Kap smashed Zete
was no match for Pi Kap's vastly
superior size and strength.

PiKA's three year unbeaten
league season was the story in C
Section. She was far ahead of the
two second place teams, Phi Delt
and Theta Delt, who both had 5-2
records for the season. Phi Delt got
in to the Championship playoffs by
winning her sectional playoff.

Phi Psi was the other undefeated
league team this year. She was the
section winner in D Division. SAE
was the second place team in the
section. She lost but once and that
was to Phi Psi.

The playoffs start Tuesday night
with PiKA playing Zete and Phi Psi
against ATO at 7 p.m. and Pi
Kap-Phi Delt and SAE-AEPi at 8
p.m. These games should be very
close as the teams have been
tightened through the long season
which has now drawn to a close.
The teams will all have to play their
best in the upcoming games for
they are for all of the marbles of
the season and there aren't any
second chances anymore.

This Friday in Mad Bowl the
High Point football championship
and consolation finals will be
played. At press time ZBT will be
in the finals, against the winner of
the Sigma Pi and Sigma Chi game,
after beating Phi Kap 19-18.

The Friday afternoon crowds
will see the final two games of the
season as the consolation and the
championship finals at three and
four that afternoon. The four teams
that play deserve to be well
supported after their long seasons
and the promise of two continually
interesting football games.