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Cavayearlings To Face VMI 'Rats'
As Groh Readies Rainey, Deep Backs

By John Marcon

Virginia's first-year football
team and their coach seem to have adopted a feeling of guarded
optimism about their VMI game on
Saturday night in Lexington. The
undefeated Cavayearlings would
appear to have little to fear from
the Keydet frosh, 35-26 losers to
VPI last week, but freshman Coach
Al Groh is still apprehensive.

In a conversation yesterday
Coach Groh noted that Military's
"Rats" were leading last week's
game 20-0 at the end of the first
half but the Keydets' lack of depth
contributed to a second half
defensive let-down. The Wahoos, he
said, are also concerned about their
large number of two-way players
and will try to work in extra
playing time for many reserves on

VMI boasts a potent passing
attack and is capable of being
stingy on defense. According to
scouting reports they will make
ample uses of the option pass play,
carrying their attack right to the
area of the Cavalier defense which
has been most questionable - the
deep secondary.

To better prep themselves for
the test the defensive backs have
undergone extra practice in the last
two weeks. It is hope that a
repetition of the Maryland game,
where a quarterback and his
favorite receiver amassed over 210
yards, can be avoided.

There will be no changes in the
starting lineups for Virginia. A large
boost, however, will be given the
offense with the return of running
back John Rainey. Rainey, out the
first two games with injuries, will
not start but is slated for a good
deal of action. Kelly Millard will
again be the fullback and Kent
Merritt the starting halfback.

The quarterback is 6-foot 4 inch
Harrison Davis who, so far, has
shown that he has the ability to put
points on the scoreboard but has
yet to put together a fifty per cent
completions game. He is in no
danger of losing his starting job
though, as Coach Groh still sees a
bright future for him. Both Davis
and Merritt would benefit from
more rest and less time on pass

In recent years this series has
not been going the way of the baby
Wahoos. VMI has taken two in a
row but must be rated as the
underdog here. With a desire to set
the series back on the right track
and an extra week to prepare, the
Cavayearlings should be ready.