University of Virginia Library

Swimmers Keep

By Ernest Dempsey
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

In a never ending effort to
improve this past season's respectable
7-3-1 record, Virginia's varsity
swimmers are back at work as part
of their year-round conditioning

The tankers are in the water
four afternoons a week Monday
through Thursday, for 45 minutes.
As part of a strengthening program,
weightlifting occurs on Monday,
Tuesday, and Thursday. Running is
also included in the workouts.

According to Coach Ron Good.
"There has been an enthusiastic
100% turnout, and the swimmers
are getting stronger, which makes
up for their decrease in
conditioning since the end of the

Coach Good also has plans for
this summer. Almost every Virginia
swimmer, several high school
sprinters from Pennsylvania, and
other tankers from Kentucky and
the Charlottesville area have
volunteered to form a swimming
club under the auspices of the
Cavalier coach.

The club will train here in
Charlottesville, and has a meet in
the New Jersey-Pennsylvania area
tentatively scheduled for July 20. It
will also compete in the Easterns on
the 6th, 7th, and 8th of August at
Coach Good's old stomping
grounds, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

The goal of all this hard work is
a chance to compete in the
National, which will be held at Los
Angeles in late August. As Coach
Good aptly puts it, "We are
shooting big."

The Virginia mentor is also
wrapping up what appears to be a
successful recruiting program,
which will be discussed on this page
next week.