University of Virginia Library

'70 Football Tickets Up,
Follow Conference Lead

By Winston Wood
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Following a trend established
last year in the ACC, Virginia has
raised the price of football tickets
for next full.

Jumping from $5.50 to $6, the
new price is an attempt to meet the
ever spiraling costs of running a
successful athletic program in an
age of near-professional college
athletes. Last autumn every Atlantic
Coast Conference member
except the University boosted ticket
prices from five to six dollars. It
cost Wahoo football fans $5.50 to
see home games in 1969, and
student date tickets went for $4.50.

Announced by Even J. Male,
Assistant Director of Athletics, the
price boost is no surprise to those
aware of the state of the Athletic
Department bank book. In hopes of
further relieving the much depleted
University Hall coffers, an eleventh
game was tacked on to the 197
football schedule, to be played
against VPI on September 12,
before classes begin for either
school. Appropriately enough, VPI
is the only other college in the state
that is raising the price of its
football tickets.

William and Mary, the University
of Richmond, and VMI will
each retain the old prices of $5.
Around the conference prices will
remain at six bills, except at South
Carolina, where they will go up to