University of Virginia Library

Under New Coach

Mermen Set For Season

Pigskin Prognostications

Miss. - Miss. State  Miss.  Miss.  Miss.  Miss.  Miss.  Miss.  Miss.  Miss. 
Army - Navy  Army  Navy  Army  Army  Army  Navy  Navy  Army 
Oklahoma - Okla. St.  Okla.St.  Okla.  Okla.  Okla.  Okla. St.  Okla.  Okla.  Okla. 
Penn. St. - N.C. St.  Penn. St.  Penn. St.  Penn. St.  Penn. St.  Penn. St.  Penn. St.  Penn. St.  Penn. St. 
Houston - Fla. State  Houston  Houston  FSU  Houston  Houston  FSU  Houston  Houston 
Tenn. - Vandy  Tenn.  Tenn.  Tenn.  Tenn.  Tenn.  Tenn.  Tenn.  Tenn. 
Miami - Florida  Miami  Fla.  Fla.  Fla.  Miami  Fla.  Miami  Fla. 
Georgia - Georgia Tech  Georgia  Georgia  Georgia  Georgia  Georgia  Georgia  Georgia  Georgia 
Auburn - Alabama  Auburn  Auburn  Auburn  Alabama  Auburn  Auburn  Auburn  Alabama 

Since October 15 a group of
fifteen dedicated swimmers
and five divers have been
practicing twice a day in the
confines of the Memorial
Gymnasium Natorium, under
the coaching of Ron Good.

Coach Good, who is at the
University for the time, is
depending upon fine conditioning
as the key to his team's
success. This can be easily
pointed out by the fact that his
swimmers are practicing twice
a day (6:15 in the morning and
in the afternoon) and are
planning to return December
28 from Christmas vacation.

Good, who has coached
All-Americans at the Lancaster
Aquatic Club, refused to commit
himself when asked what
the team's record would be,
saying only that an 11-1 season
was not beyond the reach of
his hard-working boys.

Although the swimming
team was 8-2 last year, they
have lost many fine lettermen
through graduation, exchange
programs, and unfortunate
deaths. Hopefully, some fine
first-year men will be able to
fill in where needed. The most
impressive of these new boys
have been Jerry Rollins, Jack
Martin, and Alan Ettinger.
Co-captain Brian Fuller has
also looked good and his
definitely provided the leadership
that the young team

Helping out the first year
coach is Ross Wales, a graduate
student from Princeton and
defending national champion
in the butterfly. Mr. Good will
challenge anyone to ask champion
Wales if his practices are
difficult. Assume the answer is

The swimmers have been
averaging 7000 yards a practice
and have already swum over
53,000 yards this year. This
has been responsible for over
half the original team quitting
but this leaves a group that
nobody will ever question for

Although the chances for
winning the Atlantic Coast
Conference championship are
slim there is a fine possibility
that we will catch at least one
or two of the four teams that
give swimming scholarships.
These include Maryland, North
Carolina, N.C. State, and South
Carolina. In fact, Coach Good
claims that the Cavaliers can
compete with any swimming
team in the East with the
exception of Yale.

Whatever happens this year,
there is no question that the
Virginia swimming program is on
the upswing. The new pool should
be ready by the 1970-71 season and
along with the new pool there
should - be new and more competitive
opponents. The new coach
has already written letters to major
Northern universities in hopes of
signing them up for future University
swimming meets.

But this year should also be
exciting. In hopes of attracting
larger crowds, Coach Good, with
the help of Mary Brunbage, has
signed up nineteen lovely nurses as
time keepers. In order to make the
otherwise uncomfortable pool area
more attractive for the fans, the
upper windows will be opened in
order to cool the place off and
avoid the steam bath atmosphere
that has been so prevalent in the
past. Also, a large banner will be
crossing Emmet Street announcing
the meets.

Coach Good has stated that his
swimmers have "worked as hard as
any athletic team in Virginia" and
that they have pride in themselves
and in their team. They have been
working hard and it would be nice
if they would receive a large crowd
in their opener December 2, and at
all their meets.

This spirited first year coach
said that nothing was impossible -
maybe he was hinting at the
swimmers contributing many points
in Virginia's drive for the Carmichael
Cup which goes to the
ACC's all-around champion in varsity