University of Virginia Library

Softball Finale Today;
ATO, DUVie For Top

Softball season is drawing to a
close as the championship and
consolation tournaments are going
into their final games. In the
championship bracket, ATO and
DU are in the final game, while in
the consolation round, it will be
Sigma Chi and Beta in one semifinal
game, with St.A verses Phi
Gam in the other.

On Monday, ATO had to sweep
a double header against Theta Chi
and Chi Phi. The first game, against
Theta Chi, was a close battle as the
final score was 6-5. One half an
hour later, ATO's hitting exploded
in the first inning when they scored
5 runs and defeated Chi Phi, 5-1.

Earlier, Chi Phi
trounced ZBT 15-3 with Martin
Menges hitting 2 home runs. In the
other semi-final game, DU stayed
alive with a close 3-1 victory over Pi

In the consolation tournament,
Beta and Sigma Chi scored identical
victories over Phi Kap and St. Elmo
by a score of 6-4. In the other
bracket, St.A outscored Pika 9-4 to
meet Phi Gam, who defeated Chi
Psi 4-1.

In IM wrestling, Sigma Nu,
having 3 champions on their squad,
took the team championship with
ZBT the runner-up. Randall
Coleman of Zete got the Most
Valuable Wrestler award with his
victory in the 152 pound weight