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Ruggers Prove Vocal Talents;
Party, Pool Liven Up Tourney

By Bill Nachman
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Ask most any rugger and he
would agree that there definitely is
more to a Rugby tournament than
a few matches. The Commonwealth
Cup held this past weekend proved
this assertion.

Many of the ruggers were very
impressed with the swimming pool
and other recreational facilities
provided at the motel. Bryan
Bennetts, a key player on the
Toronto attack, boasted Saturday
after his club lost to Virginia how
he was going to sit on the bottom
of the pool (and under his breath
he mentioned that he was

Some of the clubs, including a
large contingent from Indiana,
displayed their fancy footwork
Saturday night at the dance held in
honor of the ruggers at the ZBT
fraternity house. Grooving to the
sounds of a soul band (and dancing
with a horde of girls from Mary
Baldwin imported for the occasion)
the rugby players proved that they
have more talent than playing
rugby and drinking beer.

Fellowship was definitely
present among the ruggers as they
discussed rugby tactics, however
the conversation drifted to college
life and current issues.

Beer, as expected, flowed in
great quantities. Each of the clubs
seemed to have at least one king of
the keg. Old Blue was seen walking
around the party drinking from the
Commonwealth Cup.

When the wailing of the band
became extremely loud, several
ruggers started dancing in circles.
One or two ruggers even offered
their services as vocalist, but they
were politely refused.

It was a weekend full of rugby,
but the fringe benefits surely
weren't bad either.