University of Virginia Library

Gibson Believes Cavaliers Show
New Determination After Loss

Co-captain Chip Case went down
Saturday night with only 44
seconds gone in the game, popping
a cartilage in his right knee while
breaking for the basket.

With the injury went a good deal
of the optimism that had characterized
the opening of the season. For
Coach Bill Gibson, who has been
plagued with disabling injuries of
various kinds throughout his six
years at Virginia, it was disheartening,
but by no means the end of
the season.

Gibson began rallying immediately.
Early Monday morning he
made the following statement:
"Needless to say we are very upset
over the loss of Chip Case. He had
provided good leadership and he
got the team ready to play and was
our floor leader. It would be foolish
to say that we won't feel the effects
of his loss because no team can
afford to lose a potential all-ACC
performer and not feel it.

Coach Gibson went on to say,
"The problem was discussed with
the staff and then openly with the
squad at practice. We will be modifying
our plans somewhat, but not
to any great degree. It simply
means that each boy is going to
have to give more than usual and
we feel that we have the type of
boy on this team who will somehow,
someway, meet the challenge.

"This boy is a dedicated athlete.
The setback he received last year
was most undeserving. Following
his first operation, it was only a
matter of days until he started his
rehabilitation program which he
worked at religiously to strengthen
his left knee. He returned in
September with as sound a knee as
possible under the circumstances
and the attitude that he was going
to help make Virginia a winner. For
this to happen to Chip in successive
season is a tragedy.


Injured Chip Case, Out Of Action For Four Weeks