University of Virginia Library

Cavalier Eight Closes
Season With Dad Vail

By Ted McKean
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The Virginia Crew closed its
first real racing season Saturday
as it participated in the Dad Vail
Regatta in Philadelphia and
brought home an eleventh place
finish from a field of 32 varsity

In the Varsity event, heats of
six were run to determine which
boats would qualify for the finals.
The first two teams to place in
the heats then passed on to the
semi-finals. In her heat, Virginia
placed second to a large Purdue

The Cavaliers then moved on to
the semi-final race. In it, they
finished fourth, in a time of 6:21.
Winner Georgetown recorded a
time of 6:10.2.

Since Virginia did not place in
the top three in this semi-final
race, they next rowed in the consolation
finals, where they placed
fifth. Purdue was the winner of
the consolations, and Georgetown
was the ultimate winner of the
Varsity event.

The Virginia First-year boat did
well in placing eighth among all
Freshman boats. In the consolation,
they placed second to
the University of Massachusetts
to pull in eighth. The JV team
was eliminated in the heat races.

The final standings among the
Varsity crews was: Georgetown,
first. 6:00.6; Temple second,
6:04.9; St. Josephs, third, 6:05.6;
George Washington fourth,
6:07.5; and Marietta, fifth 6:12.6.

Virginia's best time over the
course was 6:21.0, very commendable
considering that she was competing
against many heavier and
more experienced crews.


The Competition Was Big And Tough At The Dad Vail.....