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Keydets Defeat Trackmen
As Pettit Wins 60 Yard Dash

By Bob Niles
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The VMI Keydets won eight of
fourteen events, and scored numerous
seconds and thirds as they
raced to a victory over Virginia's
track team last Thursday.

At the completion of the field
events the Cavaliers trailed by only
a point, mainly on the winning
efforts of Al Sinesky in the shot
put, and Mike Harvey in the long
and triple jumps.

A victory by Virginia's 440 relay
team, composed of Joe Segal,
Tom Baker, Ken Shorb and Pete
Petit, gave the Cavaliers a lead
at the end of the first running event,
but from this point on the meet
was all VMI's as it swept six of
the remaining eight races.

Virginia's two triumphs came when first-year man John Morris
surged from behind on the last
curve to win the 600 yard run,
and when co-captain Pete Petit
got off to a quick start to run
away from the field in the 60
yard dash.

Although defeated handily there
were many improvements over the
previous meets' showing. Impressive
in defeat were John Haegle
in the hurdles; Brian Magoon in
the mile and two mile events;
and Phil Stafford in the half-mile.
Next week the squad will journey
to Chapel Hill to participate in
the ACC indoor meet.