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First-Year Man Clinch Heyward Future Hopeful
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First-Year Man
Clinch Heyward
Future Hopeful

By Sandy Prater

When asked how many yards
he gained in the VMI game, Clinch
Heyward almost immediately responded
that he gained 226. But
he was equally quick to add, almost
apologetically, "I don't think
I've ever had a game like that."
It's not very often that anyone
gains 226 yards rushing in one

The 5′ 11″, 174 pound speedster
halfback converted to fullback
from Columbia, South Carolina,
has thus far this season gained
364 yards in 60 carries. Not bad,
particularly considering the fact
that this is a three game total
and that he played only one quarter
in the first game against VPI.

To get Heyward, Virginia had
to vie with Frank Howard of
Clemson, who was also hot on
Heyward's heels. Being a South
Carolina boy, it would seem that
Clemson would be his favorite over
the University.