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Phi Gam Unreachable In IM High Point, Spring Sports To Determine Second Place
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Phi Gam Unreachable In IM High Point,
Spring Sports To Determine Second Place

Barring any major
catastrophies such as the Phi
Gamma Delta house suddenly
folding, this year's intramural
high point title in all likelihood
will go to the Madison Lane
inhabitants. By placing well in
most all of the winter sports,
the Phi Gams have pretty well
wrapped up the title.

The battle for second place,
on the other hand, is being
tightly contested by St.
Anthony's Hall, Phi Delta
Theta, Zeta Psi, and Pika. The
outcome of the spring events
will be the deciding factor in
determining that position.

Pika helped keep itself in
the running by winning the
five-man basketball title for the
second year in a row,narrowly
overcoming the rugged men
from Sigma Nu.

Boxing Domination

In boxing, Peter Schmidt's
total domination of the
heavyweight fight was the
highlight of the finals night for
all who watched, but the Hall
was the frat with the most
points overall and came away
with the team title.

St. Anthony's was also the
overall champion in the pool
championships. However, once
again, they failed to come up
with the individual winner. Phi
Kap's Trig Brown was the title
winner in that event.

Handball Victor

The final handball results
appeared to indicate that Phi
Gams were the only fraternity
entered, although this was not
the case. In addition to running
away from everyone in the
team totals, they also swept
both the singles and doubles
titles. Whitney Debardelebeder
was the ringleader in both
causes as he teamed with Rick
Starr in the doubles after
capturing the singles title.
These championships helped
boost the Phi Gams into their
commanding lead.

Charlottesville's bowling
lanes were the site of heated
and furious competition during
the winter months. In the end,
though, it was Delta Upsilon
edging Phi Psi for the glorious
honor of having their picture in
next year's I.M. manual as the
best bowling champion ever.
Phi Sigma Kappa won the
consolation round.

Returns Not In

Returns in the squash I.M.'s
are not yet in as the finals are
expected to be played in the
near future.

The last winter event was
swimming. Although no pool
records were actually
threatened, the amateur
tankers still gave the fans their
money's worth. In the final
point counting, Sigma Chi
came out on top, but Phi Gam
again picked up vital insurance
points by grabbing the second

Spring Events

Most of the spring events
are just getting into the playoff
positions of the schedule and it
is too early to try to put any
predictions in print in most

One sport that has reached
its final stages is the soccer,
now in its first year as an IM
event. Although the field is
much smaller than the usual
regulation size and only five
men are allowed on the field at
one time, the sport has on the
whole been received with

This year's final which was
played Tuesday afternoon in
the Dell featured Phi Kappa
Sigma and Phi Delta Theta.
The Phi Kaps were able to pull
out a double overtime victory,

Phi Kap

Earlier, Phi Kap had gained
the finals by turning back St.
Anthony's Hall second-half
rally for a 5-4 victory.
Meanwhile in the upper
bracket,   Phi Delt Theta
defeated favored Phi Gam 2-1.

The only other events left
this year are the wrestling and
the renowned Stumblefoot
Derby, which will be run on
May 10th. The first round of
the wrestling will take place