University of Virginia Library

Council Suffers From Poor Labor Division

Mr. Rinaca said that the
unequal division of the
workload at Council varies
according to the student's
motivations and interests.

Mr. Rinaca's officers this
year have been outstanding, as
can be witnessed by their
accomplishments. They,
however, along with a very few
other council members, have
offered all council has to show
for the year.

The committees have been
more active than before, but
only four–the Appropriations
Committee, the
Communications Committee,
the Curriculum Evaluation
Committee, and the Traffic
Parking, and Bicycle
Committee–have produced
particularly outstanding

Most of these committees,
however, have gained little
notice on the Grounds and have
been hampered by sporadic
inactivity of members

Student Council has made
progress this year, despite the
apathy that has persistently
plagued its ranks. It has
managed to take on the roll of
a group that turns out some
worthwhile benefits for
students in general as opposed
to the role of past Councils,
which have made it their main
business to hand out
commendations and censures.

Council has thus progressed
some this year–under the good
leadership of its officers and a
few of its members. Those who
have done the work agree,
however, that Council still
desperately needs to get the
good representation expected
from the rest of the Council
members to really operate at
anywhere near full capacity.