University of Virginia Library

IM Basketball Is Tight,
Winter Sports Under Way


The intramural winter
sports season, highlighted by
the pressure-packed High Point
basketball league, has reached
its halfway mark.

High Point basketball,
divided into four divisions,
shows no division leader with
more than a one-game lead.
There are seven undefeated

In Division A, Sigma Pi
leads powerful defending
champion Sigma Nu and both
squads are unbeaten. ATO and
Phi Sig are leading Division B.
PiKA, 4-0 in Division C. leads
Chi Phi and Phi Gam by a
game. Division D is led by
Sigma Chi and SAE, both 4-0.


High Point bowling is in the
same situation as basketball.
There are seven unbeaten
clubs, and all four divisions
have tight races. The houses
with perfect records are ATO,
AEPi, Chi Phi, Phi Ep, PiKA,
Phi Gam, and Sigma Chi.

Now in progress are squash
and pool. Squash is being
played in two leagues.
Independent and High Point.
For those who do not
understand the distinction.
High Point is for fraternity
members only, while
Independent is open to any
student or faculty member.

Other Sports

Tug-o-war ended when Phi
Delt defeated Echols dorm in
the tournament finals

Yet to begin are swimming
an boxing, which will start in
the near future. Boxing will be
held as an elimination
tournament, and the swimming
will have preliminaries and

Tennis Tourney

In a tournament just
completed, two former
University tennis players met
in the finals of the
'Independent tennis tourney. Andy Scheinman fell to Mike
Eikenberry in a match played
indoors at the Keswick court.
Both players were No. 1 in
their final year at the
University, and each is
nationally known.